Friday, April 25, 2008

Windows Repair Software

Cut Down On Costly PC Repair Bills by Jason Bell
It is quite common for people to ask as how a Windows repair software tool can help them save money from PC expenses. Before delving into that, let us first see why the registry is important for your computer and what the effects are of registry problems on your system.
In simple words, the registry is a centralized database on your computer, where your Windows operating system stores essential information related to the software and hardware on your system, your user preferences, and customized system settings of your computer. The registry manages almost all activities that you perform on your system. Information is stored in the registry in the form of keys and their values. As you use your PC, several keys and values are accessed, added, removed, or modified in the registry.
It's not uncommon for unwanted information, such as obsolete, invalid and corrupt entries to accumulate in the registry causing it to bloat. A bloated registry easily gets corrupted and fragmented, resulting in computer errors and freezes.
Most of the time, these frequent computer errors, freezes, and crashes force you to seek external technical help to restore your PC back to a healthy state. Just imagine, a simple registry scanner could have saved you from all this trouble in the first place. Do you know most of the technical experts who help you restore your PC also do the same? Why pay an expert to use Windows repair software when you can use the same tool, for a quarter the cost?
With the help of good PC repair software, you can perform a thorough scan of the registry and weed out all unwanted data.
To perform a registry scan, you can choose between automatic and manual clean up methods. Where the automatic method, does everything automatically, the manual method enables you to scan through all registry entries reported as errors and select and remove only those that you are positive are errors.
Registry tools help you repair corrupt registry entries that help you resolve several computer errors. In fact, PC repair software is a one step cure from several computer errors such as Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors, driver errors, runtime errors, and dll errors.
A bloated and fragmented registry slows down data access, which in turn slows down your computer. For instance, if you are working with Microsoft Word, when you try to save a file, the request to process the save command goes to the registry. Now, if your registry takes much longer than expected to process this command, the save function will take much longer than normal to complete this operation. This, in turn will likely frustrate you. When you defrag the registry, two operations take place. First, empty registry keys or the placeholders of keys are removed, helping you reduce the size of the registry. Second, defragging helps in re-indexing the registry files and making them contiguous. Both these tasks help you speed up registry data access and as a result speed up your computer.
Copyright (c) 2008 PC Registry Repair

PC Registry Repair has done the research so you don't have to! If you are looking for Registry Cleaner Reviews, including a detailed Registry Cleaner Comparison of the best registry cleaners for 2008, check out
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